Miami, Florida 3rd June 2009: In a professional gesture to assist the well established, 82 year old, Miami based civic aviation organization known as the Greater Miami Aviation Association (GMAA), the Digital Aircraft Factory (DAF) had the pleasure of attending their scheduled Board of Directors meeting, as the Digital Aircraft Factory has offered their technical and creative talent and assistance to help the organization with their image concerning their logo and website with a donated product from the (DAF).
Ms. Catherine Smallwood, the Chief Aviation Artist of the Digital Aircraft Factory gave the GMAA Board and their President, Mr. Dan Sullivan a detailed explanation as to how they are able to create the images of any aircraft in any markings by utilizing Hollywood grade special effect software, as well as presenting the group with a especially created 12 second digitally created video showing the created GMAA 727 in flight with ATC audio chatted and ambient jet sound within the background.
The (DAF) assistance could be helpful to the GMAA as their image, logo and lettering even among the folks shown around the table within the photo raised the query among the group as to "Who Are We" are we the "GMAA" as known to many in Miami or are we the "Greater Miami Aviation Association" Once that variable if figured out among the group, the (DAF) stands ready to assist the organization by contributing and donating their time and talent toward what the (DAF) considers a worthy cause. We wish the "GMAA" as we have always known it the best of luck and continued success.
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